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Mother and Son

I wanted to share a thought from my heart: your availability, your welcome, your generosity really touched me and I wanted to say thank you, thank you and thank you once again.

Woman in Grey Sweater

Thank you for all the support and especially the accompaniment because I was even afraid of taking the metro. Thank you also for the opportunity to find ourselves at home because we could prepare our traditional dishes by talking about our problems. It’s an experience that has enriched me a lot, and with us I will be able to prepare dishes of other nationalities. In addition, a guest has become a friend. I am so happy leaving the center.


I have come from so far and when I arrived in Canada I was afraid of the unknown, not knowing anyone. I was betrayed by the person I leaned on and trusted the most and it was the people I didn't know who saved me. You have given me the chance to have confidence in life and to rebuild my life. thank you very much

Calm Woman

I also love you all very much, you are all beautiful blooming flowers; beautiful models too, different than beautiful and with whom we can identify in order to grow in beauty! So, thank you ALL for EVERYTHING xxx.

woman 2

I have been through such difficult times that more than once I thought I would never see the end of the tunnel. At each of these times, you were there to comfort me and help me find solutions

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Maison Transit 24

The women shelter in Montreal where the
the well-being of our women is the priority.


Phone number: 514-383-4994

© 2023 Maison d'hébergement Transit 24 

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